Tennessee Valley Authority Donates $50,000 to Tipton County Schools Following Tornado Damage

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) recently announced that it is providing $50,000 for supplies and equipment at two Tipton County Schools destroyed by the March 31st and April 1st tornadoes that swept through 10 Tennessee counties.

“The devastating storms that swept through West Tennessee hit our communities hard, but we have seen Tennessee’s volunteer spirit in full display,” Mark Yates, TVA vice president for the west region, stated. “Working together, we will help rebuild and restore these areas and ensure they have the resources they need. Education is the foundation of our communities, so I can think of no better place to make this investment.”

Earlier this month, Tipton County Schools (TCS) announced that construction would begin on two temporary structures to house Crestview Elementary School (CES) and Crestview Middle School (CMS) students and faculty for the remainder of the school year and “possibly longer” following damage from the tornadoes.

TCS later announced that Ford’s BlueOval City, along with Walbridge, Sunbelt Rentals, United Rentals, Phillips & Jordan, Ideal Contracting, and ArchKey, partnered with the school system to provide the temporary structures at no cost to the district.

TVA will provide the temporary structures with $50,000 of furniture and supplies for students and staff.

“We are so thankful to TVA for stepping in to provide support to our displaced students. Yet another reason I’m grateful to be a part of such a caring community and state,” Dr. John Combs, Superintendent for Tipton County Schools, said in a statement.

On April 7th, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced the approval of his federal emergency assistance request to support the 10 counties impacted by tornadoes and severe storms on March 31 and April 1.

In addition, the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) also announced the availability of Disaster Unemployment Assistance for those affected by tornadoes and storms.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Covington School” by Tennessee Valley Authority.


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One Thought to “Tennessee Valley Authority Donates $50,000 to Tipton County Schools Following Tornado Damage”

  1. Joe Blow

    I do not pay my electric bill so some pseudo government operation can feel good about giving it away. Stick to business, TVA.


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